Dein Wi-Fi sieht durch Wände

Smartmeter, Router, Dect-Phones, Smartphones sind soooo stark, daß die massive e-smog Suppe ein Sicht-Feld ermöglicht. Die Art der Wand ist egal: es ist alles sichtbar vom Dach bis zum Keller. Happy Season für DIEBE!

WiFi routers can see people through walls. Here’s how it works

Jul 4, 2023AI turns WiFi routers into cameras that can see through walls The team used DensePose, a system for mapping all of the pixels on the surface of a human body in a photo, developed by researchers…

How hackers could use Wi-Fi to track you inside your home

By just listening to existing Wi-Fi signals, someone will be able to see through the wall and detect whether there’s activity or where there’s a human, even without knowing the location of the devices. They can essentially do a monitoring surveillance of many locations. That’s very dangerous.“

Surveillance device uses Wi-Fi to see through walls – CNET

Researchers in England have created a prototype surveillance device that can be used to spy on people inside buildings and behind walls by tracking the frequency changes as Wi-Fi signals generated

Autor: mengenlehre

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